
Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux


Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux is a Philosopher and Associate Researcher at the Paris 8 Faculty’s Laboratory for Studies and Research on Contemporary Logic and Philosophy. She is the author of African Philosophies (Présence africaine, 2013), awarded the Louis Marin Overseas Sciences Prize, and she co-directed the book Law and Colonisation (Bruylant, 2005). Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux is the scientific curator of the Fabrique de Souza – Cameroun (the de Souza Factory in the Cameroun), a place of investigation and experimentation which brings together scientists, artists, young entrepreneurs, jurists and farmers, so as to design and put into practice an active utopia, where the Human is thought of in terms of its relationship with other Living Beings. A former editor of the cultural pages of Jeune Afrique, Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux currently works as a journalist with Le Monde.

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