
Martin Guinard


Martin Guinard is curator at LUMA Arles. With a background in visual arts and art history, he has worked on several interdisciplinary projects dealing with ecological mutation in collaboration with Bruno Latour. He was the curator of the Taipei 2020 biennial entitled "You and I don’t live on the same planet" and is currently working on its reiteration at the Centre Pompidou Metz (opening in November 2021). He co-curated the exhibition “Critical Zone” at ZKM, Karlsruhe (2020-2021) and the exhibition “Reset Modernity!” (2016). He also directed two workshop platforms continuing the research initiated in the exhibition Reset Modernity! in Shanghai (2017) and Tehran (2017-2018). These two projects took place respectively as part of 2116 Seeds of time, directed by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Yangwoo Lee at the Himalaya Museum (2017), and then at the Pejman Foundation and Tehran University, in collaboration with Reza Haeri.

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